


  • 了解客户的类型及其购买动机,以便根据组织程序完成销售
  • 利用组织资源来准备和支持成交销售流程
  • 在结束客户访问时提供及保持专业客服礼仪

Course Introduction:


This course aims to educate individuals, especially those working in the service and retail sectors, to acquire knowledge and skills to closing sales.

This course will help learners acquire the ability:

  • To understand the type of customers and their buying motivations in order to close sales according to organisational procedures
  • To leverage on organisational resources to prepare and support the closing sales processes
  • To project professional etiquettes when concluding a customer visit

Admission Criteria & Fees

Minimum Age: 16 years

Academic Level: PSLE and above

Language Proficiency: English (beginner)

Award of Certificate:
Upon successful completion of coursework and examination, and a minimum of 75% attendance, students will be awarded a SOA by Golden Compass School and SSG.



Contact Us

Tel: (65) 6220 6228

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Golden Compass School (GCS) recognises the importance of safeguarding the personal data you have provided us and will responsibly manage and protect your data, in line with the Personal Data Protection Act (2012).

“By clicking SEND, you agree to our collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal data to the extent necessary to process your request and you have given your consent for our school representative to contact you regarding your enquiry.”

