
四月 23 2018

第八届“翰墨传情”将于2018年7月23日 – 8月4日期间特别推出“幸福时刻”现场艺术比赛。本次比赛将邀请来自新加坡、马来西亚、中国、泰国等国家及地区的书画、艺术爱好者参加。“幸福时刻”现场艺术比赛(书画、演唱、歌舞、研究课题)。


  1. 近现代艺术家作品展览
  2. “幸福时刻”入围作品展
  3. “幸福时刻”展台
    –  “幸福时刻”展示
    –  新加坡记录挑战 – 书写饮水思源“百福图”,挑战新加坡最大的书画作品
    – 现场挥毫,为慈善捐款
  4. “幸福时刻”系列活动
    –  讲座:非常新加坡讲座、传统文化讲座、中华手工艺课程
    –  学校参观、学生交流

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About 8th SCCCE

This is the 8th Anniversary of the SCCCE (Singapore Chinese Culture & Calligraphy Art Exhibition) Art Awards and Exhibition. It is a platform to showcase talents and works of well-known artists, art lovers and students – from local and international scenes. It is an opportunity for like-minded individuals to come together to interact; share their experiences and exchange ideas and knowledge.

Over the years, to reach our goal of “arts and culture for all”, we have been showcasing numerous art forms and crafted a record-breaking activity, “Colours of Chinese Calligraphy”. Our hope has been to embrace and spread Chinese culture by appealing to the young artists in our midst.


8th SCCCE President’s Challenge Charity Dinner

SCCCE is now invite sponsorship for a unique charitable event in Singapore’s arts and cultural landscape, the Enterprise Forum and the President’s Challenge Charity Dinner, which will commemorate the commencement of the SCCCE Arts Exhibition on 3th August 2018.  It is a platform that furthers the cooperation between overseas and local enterprises, increasing the international visibility of enterprises.  Through targeted lectures, thematic discussions and dialogues, to provide the industry with an exchange of ideas, access to information, find opportunities to seek cooperation in Singapore.

The President’s Challenge Charity Dinner brings together the arts and cultural performances with the objective of helping the less fortunate. It will also host the SCCCE Art Awards and Competition, where artworks submitted by local and international students will be evaluated and celebrated. To cater to the overwhelming response, artists who missed the cut-off date for submitting will be relieved to hear that the closing date has been extended.

Paintings contributed by primary and secondary school students will also be offered for sale. Net proceeds will be donated to the President’s Challenge Charity Dinner 2018.
