Golden Compass School Story

Click here to download our CPE certificate.  Our 4 years Edutrust certificate.

GCS Singapore is founded by a passionate entrepreneur, Madam Claire Chng, who believes in holistic learning. GCS adopts an integrated, holistic approach to teaching and learning, significantly preparing students to face academic challenges and using their academic learning as a foothold for their emotional and social development. This ensures that they encounter long-term successes in their pursuits in an ever-changing landscape.

GCS is a Private Education Institution that offers academic and (PEI-ATO) industrial focused progression to degree programmes and courses to enhance the competencies of individual learners. It facilitates students in their acquisition of knowledge and skills, enabling them to thrive in a fast-changing world. GCS educators are qualified practitioners in their respective industries, possessing credentials recognised in the industry.  GCS is registered with the Committee for Private Education (CPE) Singapore.

Besides diploma programmes, our school has prepared students for the English Language Paper for Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) , IELTS and AEIS Intensive English Camps. Since the commencement of our weekly enrichment classes in 2015, our students have made remarkable improvements and performed beyond expectations under the tutelage of an ex-principal.

Since 2010, GCS has been organizing and hosting the SCCCE Art Festival, a component of holistic learning, based on the premise of connecting to the community. This annual event promotes traditional Chinese culture and values and provides a meaningful platform for international cultural and art exchange programmes. GCS’s initiatives to organise and pave the way for students from Singapore and other countries to learn in communion and share experiences have been highly commended by the communities.

Our Values

Courage: Empowered to make a difference and uphold integrity.

Open: Open to constructive feedback, comments and suggestions.

Meticulous: Focused in meeting the needs and expectations of our internal and external stakeholders.

Passion: Remain passionate and dedicated to deliver quality learning experience.

Amiable: Amiable and resilience in adversities.

Steadfast: Committed to our mission.

Spontaneous: Maintain quality of service through a constant review and improvement of structures and systems in the organisation.

Message from Our Principal

Vision and Mission

Our Vision

Is to be a World Class Education Provider.

Our Mission

Is to guide individual learners and help them discover and develop their potential abilities and strengths so that they can realise goals and achieve personal success.

Academic & Examination Board and Teachers

Dr Anton Jordaan

Doctor of Philosophy (University of Adelaide)

Dr Anton has more than 20 years of teaching experiences in tertiary (undergraduate and postgraduate programs) and corporate education environments and has consistently received excellent teaching evaluations. Courses presented range from Accounting, Strategic Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business Planning, and Project Management.

Areas of expertise include international business development of UK, Australian, South African and Malaysian educational businesses, campuses, brands and programs.

Mrs Cheong-Chan Wan Mui

Bachelor of Science (The University of Singapore)

The ex-Principal of St’ Nicholas Girls School, Mrs Cheong has vast and rich experiences, being in St’ Nicholas Girls School for over 40 years.

Mr Phun Kia Jong Kevin
Master in Responsible Tourism (Leeds Metropolitan University)

Mr Phun Kia Jong Kevin started his education/teaching career in 2005 as a part time lecturer in Tourism and Hospitality. He has constantly been lecturing for Tourism and Hospitality modules, and also quite recently, soft skills classes.

Comments by trainees and students on Mr Phun – “Very knowledgeable lecturer, patient, and different from the rest…”

Courses and modules taught by Mr Phun
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality (Modules 1-7)

Mrs Tan Chin Cheoh
Further Professional Diploma in Education (National Institute of Education, Singapore)

Courses and modules taught by Mrs Tan
Certificate in Elementary English(Module 1-3)/ PSLE course

Mr Lau Hwa Park Johnny

Master of Education Administration (University of New England)

Mr Lau Hwa Park Johnny was Vice-Principal of Kim Seng Secondary School and Principal of Dunman Secondary School. After that, he was appointed as Senior Inspector of Schools and Assistant Director in Ministry of Education.

Ms Claire Chng

Master in Business Administration(Seton Hall University)

Ms Claire Chng is the Managing Director of Golden Compass School.


Mr Teo Geok Poh


Master in Business Administration(Seton Hall University)


Ms Zhou Jie

Master of Business Administration (Nanjing University)

Dr Kwan Chee Whai (James)

Doctor of Philosophy (University of Western Australia)


Ms Jane Tan

MSc In International Management and HR (UK)

Certified as DISC Human Behavior Consultant

Click here to view the list of Academic & Examination Board Members and Associate Educators.


Patron of the Arts Awards 2019 and 2020

Received Friends of Arts: Golden Compass School

